The world of marketing has changed drastically. For your business, that means you'll either be keeping up or risk losing customers. Marketing is no longer a bunch of spam emails, cold intro or an opportunity to “throw it against the wall” and see what sticks. Currently, marketing is at a place of much deeper storytelling, it has an importance of not only addressing the problem in the story, but additionally showing empathy along with it. Like all things, marketing has evolved, and its evolution has been for its betterment. Luckily, it's not difficult to stay on top of your marketing game and offer customers an experience that delights them. We've put together a list of the tried, true, and easy methods of showing you care through your marketing strategy.
As the pandemic keeps employees remotely located, furloughed, and (in the cases of essential employees) working in fear, is it possible to keep a WOW culture going? Deb Boelkes, author of The WOW Factor Workplace: How to Create a Best Place to Work Culture shows us how. No doubt about it: Great leaders drive the creation of great cultures. That's why now is the perfect time to work on your leadership abilities and commit to lifelong learning. Here are some things leaders can do right now to improve themselves while working to create a culture of WOW in these unprecedented times...
March 2023