Your social media audience is everything in PR and marketing, it’s the largest open focus group you could ever hope for right at your fingertips. Build it, nurture it, participate with it, listen to it and direct it.
A loyal audience is the key to a successful brand and you will face a lot of competition. There are so many places people can go for their content these days that you have to be creative, consistent and courageous. Oh, and human. This is a slow burn. You have to first figure out who your audience is, and unless you want to buy millions of fake accounts, it’s going to take time to build up a solid following. It’s more valuable to have a small, solid, core of people who care than a mass of unengaged names. But it’s worth it. Their feedback will be invaluable and having an engaged audience will put you into the coveted expert/influencer category, which will help your business grow. Here are five ways to do it…
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March 2023