![]() You'd think that was pretty simple to do but not many freelancers know how to work out of a coffee shop. Many, usually introverts, are afraid to step out of the comfort of their home to a space so public as a coffee shop. Of course, the economics of it can be equally intimidating just as well but there is an admitted good vibe, cosmic energy, call it what you will that a coffee shop can infuse into your work. For instance, working out of a coffee shop right now has me writing this blog post for you. Working out of a coffee shop today was a necessity - there was some maintenance work to be done in my apartment which meant my usual space of quiet work would be invaded by repair men and their tools cluttering my work space so I chose to work from an outdoor space. My local coffee shop of choice is Starbucks. I am spoilt for choice - I have at least 10 locations within a few minutes of where I live but over a period of time, through much trial and error, I have found the one location that is not too busy for my liking, to be able to get some productive work accomplished, without being disturbed by others' loud conversing or general people watching, which happens to be one of my top ten skills :) So much as this might take some fine-tuning, find yourself the perfect neighborhood coffee shop that suits your work style. Also PS - I do have a Starbucks rewards card that gets me all kindsa great deals and I reload using a Chase Sapphire card which gives me 2x the points Once there though dont be the hated coffee shop camper that invites the wrath of the staff employed there. Be good, be nice, be kind. Don't simply order a free cup of water and hide at the table at the very back so they cant see how long you have taken over their venue. Order something to show that you support the business that helps you with yours. You are using their space, their electricity, their restroom, their resources - wifi, lights, furniture, so dont be surprised if your coffee visit ends up leaving you $10 poorer. If this is a regular spot for you then learn the names of the staff there and engage in some neighborly chit chat when time permits. They are the nicest people once they get to know you. They will make you the 'usual' once they see you and be happy to swing by and drop off some water or clear stuff from your table. If it helps you can try to only do coffee shop days when you have to absolutely focus on a story, or positively need a change of place, or have maybe client meetings that you can do there and that justifies being in a coffee shop for a few hours. I do at least one coffee shop work day and end up spending for coffee and a pastry, sometimes more if I stay there from breakfast until past lunch or even tea time. Of course, if you have a freelancing business then do keep the receipts safe and use them at tax time for deductions. I do try to go in with a fully charged laptop and phone so I can work for at least 5-6 hours without having to take over the few plug points in the public space I am sharing. I also try to see if I can find a couch or a standing table top where I can occupy lesser space. Sitting at a table permits spreading your bag, papers, stuff in general all over the place and just taking up way too much space than polite society would consider acceptable. Take along your headphones or earphones if you need to block out external noise. By the same rule, don't have your loudest business call in a coffee shop. Make sure you can speak in a voice level that is not disturbing others, take calls in your car or outside if you can or reschedule for later. You have ordered food and drink so remember to not be a clumsy clown when you consume your food or beverage of choice. And certainly do not swear out loud when you end up being the one dropping hot liquids on your own laptop! An overly animated freelancer is not welcome either. You are there to get your work done. So get your work done and dont go around trying to make random conversation with all and sundry. And when you are done and ready to leave, remember to clear up after yourself. Keep in mind at all times that you are in a public space so if your work requires you watch a video of gory detail for your research, you might not want to do that on your large screen laptop with full volume on! You also do not want to carry out banking transactions and such in a space like this, you never know who can view the details on your screen. Using a protector might help to some extent but that is also a personal choice. Last but not least, leave the location a nice review online somewhere if they were helpful to your work day. Most of them have their preferred review site online so a few kind words and a few minutes out of your day would be a welcome return for their services. If some staff member was especially helpful then remember to mention them as well. I remember to do this if I have tried a new place or maybe an indie store that could use the positive feedback. Over time, you can let friends, colleagues, clients know where to meet you if they want to discus work. You also never know but sometimes story ideas come to you at coffee shops. Check out their message boards or even observing people coming in might spark a story idea in your freelancer head! What do you enjoy most about working out of a coffee shop?
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March 2023