I chanced upon Techmunch through Twitter I believe and proceeded to play the raffle for free tickets to their inaugural Atlanta event. They had great feedback from other locations and years but this being their first in Atlanta, I wasn't too sure what the takeaways would be and how useful it would be, especially for me since it seemed to be heavily geared onwards food bloggers. I did win a ticket and also got to have a friend along! It was a day packed with sessions one after the other. The good part was it was just a day and very convenient for many who have families or jobs and needed to be there just for the Friday of the event The bad part was it was just a day and many sessions, if not all, did require much more time for discussion than was allotted. I hope they do consider that for next year. The venue was great (Monday Night Brewing), the food and sampling stations were nice - they were very thoughtful to have us well-fed and hydrated for the seated conference. I don't think I came away thinking any of the sessions were a waste of time. There was something I learned from each session that I thought I would be able to utilize in my writing and work so watch out for the next blog post with my notes. I can't say everyone came away with the same pointers but these are what struck me as particularly useful or interesting and I am happy to share. If you have been to a Techmunch event before (different location or year) or even attended the conference in Atlanta, I would love to hear back from you and your thoughts on the event/what helpful pointers you walked away with. Unfortunately prior engagements ensured I could not stay for the mixer afterward or the after-party but I did meet a lot of fun people and hope to connect with them soon.
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March 2023